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497418 Shuttle Driver Denver, CO
The University of Denver is seeking multiple shuttle drivers for campus. The shuttle driver will be responsible for pick-up and drop-off of students, staff, faculty, and other members of the DU community on a fixed route and on-demand service. They will be responsible for providing directions and high-quality customer service to members of the DU community; operating a mobile device, maintaining accurate ridership logs via a software application, operation of an ADA wheelchair lift, and daily inspections of the University vehicle.
497504 Adjunct Faculty/Overload, Department of Geography & the Environment Denver, CO
The Department of Geography & the Environment department in the Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics is accepting expressions of interest for adjunct and faculty overload positions to teach a variety of course in the 2024-2025 academic year.
497427 Adjunct Faculty-Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies Program (GWSS) Denver, CO
The Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies Program at the University of Denver requests applications for Adjunct Instructors for the academic year 2024-2025 to teach our two, two-credit colloquia courses. In general, these courses reflect current trends within the field of gender and women’s studies, draw on multiple disciplines, and are engaging for undergraduate students. They should be unique to GWST and not resemble courses taught in other departments at DU.
497353 Adjunct Faculty - Masters of Arts in Sport and Performance Psychology (MASPP) Denver, CO
The MASPP program at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology is accepting applications for adjunct faculty instructors to teach a variety of courses in the 2024-2025 academic year. This posting will serve for multiple openings.
497362 Adjunct Faculty-Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (PsyD) Denver, CO
The PsyD program at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology is accepting applications for adjunct faculty instructors to teach a variety of courses in the 2024-2025 academic year. This posting will serve for multiple openings but the program is specifically recruiting for: CPSY 5010 Cognitive & Affective Models CPSY 5040 History & Systems in Psychology CPSY 5170 Life Cycle: Infancy to Mid Childhood CPSY 5692 Advanced Rorschach Analysis CPSY 5591 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

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