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Job Number Position Location Date Posted Close Date
497870 Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Denver, CO
Working closely with the Chancellor and other university leaders in a community that values and celebrates a strong shared governance model, the Provost will play a decisive role in shaping and implementing the future of the University and inspiring and supporting faculty, students, and the broader DU community.
497722 Research Denver, CO
This posting is a general posting that will serve for many part-time, non-benefited research openings in different divisions across campus. 
497860 Early Childhood and Pre K - 8 Teachers Denver, CO
This posting is a general posting that will serve for many part-time, non-benefited early childhood and pre k - 8 teacher openings in different divisions across campus. 
497865 Student Services Denver, CO
This posting is a general posting that will serve for many part-time, non-benefited student services openings in different divisions across campus. 
497844 Lead Summer Camp Counselor Denver, CO
We are seeking qualified individuals to lead and assist with our summer programming Ricks Center for Gifted Children. We are looking for energetic people willing to work full-time and part-time shifts. 

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