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Job Number Position Location Date Posted Close Date
497843 Assistant Summer Camp Counselor Denver, CO
We seek qualified individuals to lead and assist with our summer programming Ricks Center for Gifted Children. We are looking for energetic people willing to work full-time and part-time shifts.   
497831 Executive Director of The National Academy for Free Expression and Pluralism Denver, CO
The National Academy for Free Expression and Pluralism at the University of Denver’s mission will be to provide programming and foster research among students, faculty and staff on the values of free expression, civil discourse, and pluralism. This will be accomplished in community with several of the country's most prominent scholars and practitioners who represent a diverse range of backgrounds, experience and thought.
497814 Pioneer Athletic Super Summer (PASS) Camp Staff Denver, CO
PASS Camp Staff will facilitate Pioneer Athletic Super Summer (P.A.S.S.) camp youth programming activities at the Ritchie Center and the University of Denver campus.
497796 Kennedy Mountain Campus Staff Red Feather Lakes, CO
The James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus, Wellness & Recreation Division at the University of Denver is currently seeking part-time staff to assist with its mountain campus operations. 
497789 Kennedy Mountain Campus Operations Associate Red Feather Lakes, CO
The James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus at the University of Denver in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado is currently seeking part-time operations associate staff to assist with its mountain campus operations. KMC operations associate staff are responsible for all aspects of the Kennedy Mountain Center customer experience.

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