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497796 Kennedy Mountain Campus Staff Red Feather Lakes, CO
The James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus, Wellness & Recreation Division at the University of Denver is currently seeking part-time staff to assist with its mountain campus operations. 
497789 Kennedy Mountain Campus Operations Associate Red Feather Lakes, CO
The James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus at the University of Denver in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado is currently seeking part-time operations associate staff to assist with its mountain campus operations. KMC operations associate staff are responsible for all aspects of the Kennedy Mountain Center customer experience.
497707 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Denver, CO
The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at the Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Denver is looking to hire adjunct instructors to teach courses in topics including but not limited to: Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Materials Science. This posting will serve for multiple openings. More information about the courses can be found on the Registrar’s Office schedule of classes at
497709 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Denver, CO
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Denver is looking to hire adjunct instructors to teach a variety of courses in topics including but not limited to Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. This posting will serve for multiple openings. More information about the courses, the list can be found on the Registrar’s Office schedule of classes at
497682 Youth Programs Staff Denver, CO
This position will serve as the front-line workers in our Youth Programs team, comprised of community members and students, staff will interact with, provide instruction, and ensure the safety of our youth participants aged 5-11.

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