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497228 Adjunct Faculty/Course Developer - Cyber Security Denver, CO
The Cyber Security Graduate Program at the University of Denver invites applications for adjunct faculty for our in-person program. We are particularly interested in hearing from applicants who are qualified to teach the following classes: 1) COMP-3731: Digital Forensics, 2) COMP-3361 Operating Systems, and/or a topical course in the cyber security domain (e.g., in your area of expertise). Opportunities for paid course development in the areas of cloud/container security, AI/machine learning applications in cyber security, IoT, and other topics are available as well. For more information on our Cyber Security courses and curriculum, please refer to the University of Denver’s 2023-24 (or latest) graduate bulletin.
497126 Adjunct Faculty, Sturm College of Law Denver, CO
The Sturm College of Law is accepting applications for adjunct faculty for Summer and Fall 2024. Adjunct faculty positions are non-benefited positions. More information about the courses can be found on the Registrar’s Office Schedule of Classes and at the registrar’s course descriptions page Adjunct faculty are required to teach as scheduled, hold office hours, assign papers and exams as appropriate and be available to assist students with assignments. Adjunct faculty are required to comply with all Law School and University policies and protocols. The Sturm College of Law operates on a semester system.
497702 School Counseling @ Denver Adjunct Faculty Denver, CO
The Morgridge College of Education is looking to hire adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a variety of graduate courses in the School Counseling@Denver online program.
497872 Maintenance Worker III Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497847 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.

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