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Job Number Position Location Date Posted Close Date
497330 Master of Library and Information Science Online Adjunct Faculty Denver, CO
The Morgridge College of Education is looking to hire adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a variety of graduate courses in the Master of Library and Information Science online program (MLIS@Denver). Courses may vary. More information about the courses can be found on the Registrar’s Office schedule of classes at This posting will serve for multiple openings throughout the 2024-2025 academic year.
497360 Adjunct Faculty-Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology (MAFP) Denver, CO
The MAFP program at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology is accepting applications for adjunct faculty instructors to teach a variety of courses in the 2024-2025 academic year. This posting will serve for multiple openings.
497872 Maintenance Worker III Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497847 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497541 Maintenance Worker II Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.

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