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Job Number Position Location Date Posted Close Date
497360 Adjunct Faculty-Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology (MAFP) Denver, CO
The MAFP program at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology is accepting applications for adjunct faculty instructors to teach a variety of courses in the 2024-2025 academic year. This posting will serve for multiple openings.
497541 Maintenance Worker II Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497872 Maintenance Worker III Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497847 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497736 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.

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