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Job Number Position Location Date Posted Close Date
497839 Executive Director of Development, Foundation Relations Denver, CO
The University of Denver is seeking an experienced, driven, and passionate fundraising leader to join our Advancement team as the Executive Director of Development, leading the Foundation Relations function at DU.
497541 Maintenance Worker II Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497736 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497728 Maintenance Worker III Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497058 Maintenance Worker I Denver, CO
With general supervision from the foreman, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.

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