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497281 HVAC Technician Denver, CO
With minimal or no supervision, this position repairs, maintains and installs heating, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, including but not limited to: boilers, pumps, fans, compressors, cooling towers, chillers, air compressors, pneumatic and electrical controls and heat exchangers.
497739 Maintenance Worker IV Denver, CO
With little or no supervision, this position performs repairs and maintenance at a semi-skilled level in multiple trade areas.
497497 Campus Safety Officer Denver, CO
The Campus Safety Officer position is assigned to Patrol Operations within Campus Safety. Campus Safety Officers are the primary safety and security personnel for the University. Their duties include, but are not limited to, patrol of the campus and its buildings and assisting the campus community with a wide variety of problems and concerns.
496720 HVAC Technician Denver, CO
With minimal or no supervision, this position repairs maintains, and installs heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment, including but not limited to boilers, pumps, fans, compressors, cooling towers, chillers, air compressors, pneumatic and electrical controls, and heat exchangers.
497419 Adjunct Faculty, International Studies and Public Policy Denver, CO
The Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver is looking to hire adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses.

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