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497451 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication Studies Denver, CO
The Department of Communication Studies calls students to engage communication meaningfully, creatively, ethically, and with intellectual curiosity, in order to enhance their personal and public lives, as well as contribute to a sustainable common good. The department offers a BA and a minor in communication studies, and we are seeking adjunct instructors to expand our capacity to serve our programs.Adjunct instructors are needed to teach a variety of communication studies courses across the academic year. Instructors may be hired to teach one course or multiple courses.
497455 Adjunct Faculty/Overload Academic Year 2024-2025, Daniels College of Business Denver, CO
The Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver is looking to hire adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a variety of courses.  This posting will be utilized to seek applicants for both teaching and non-teaching functions for adjunct and faculty overload.
497391 Adjunct Faculty, Lamont School of Music Denver, CO
The Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver seeks to hire adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 academic year to teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. These may include, but are not limited to, studio instruction in multiple music styles, ensemble directing or coaching, and academic courses.
497303 Lifeguard Denver, CO
The University of Denver is seeking motivated and qualified lifeguards to start this summer season. Lifeguards play a crucial role in the safety and health of the DU community.
497219 Adjunct Instructor of Russian Denver, CO
The College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences seeks qualified individuals to join our adjunct pool for possible, non-benefited, part-time teaching assignments in Russian at the University of Denver in the 2024-25 academic year.

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